Introducing: Insta guest Benedicte Onarheim

Benedicte Onarheim, better known as the much-loved @Kardemomme1 on Instagram, lives north of Oslo in Norway, and her gorgeous photography is ever-inspired by the Nordic landscapes surrounding her home. This week we are proud to welcome Benedicte as she takes over OAK’s instagram, and thus here she tells us about her love of the Nordic aesthetics:

“I have been curious about photography for many years but wasn’t sure if I should really dive into it before I started a blog some years ago. Then the interest really took off when I joined Instagram in 2013.

Everything around you looks different when you start to see the world as a photographer. Photography changed my way of seeing things; it’s actually quite an incredible transformation to experience. Suddenly I noticed light, shapes, colours, textures, people, buildings, trees and flowers in whole new ways.

Once you start noticing details, you inevitably start to see how much beauty is all around you. Even in the most ordinary or unexpected places.

I’m proud of my Nordic heritage and I have a strong relationship with the Nordic aesthetics. I will call myself a nerd regarding my Scandinavian interior style. I love the pure, bright simplicity and understated elegance; well made things of honest materials.

I’m a product of my origins and I always have creative projects going on. I find inspiration everywhere. Ideas are popping up in my head all the time. From magazines, bloggers, other Instagrammers, and my surroundings. Travelling is always a source of new ideas.

The type of motives that catch my eyes are contrasts. The unexpected details and bright harmonious colors. Nature is always inspiring and I’m happy to live in a country with four seasons.”

Follow Benedicte for OAK on Instagram till January 3rd: @oakthenordicjournal
